Mobile Laser Tag Business Trailer Packed with Inflatable arenas and Battlefield Sports equipment
Everything is organized and stored in the trailer and ready for delivery. This is a Laser Tag Turn Key Mobile Laser Tag Business.
Everything you need to make a fixed location, or mobile business.
Trailer provides power. Batteries in trailer are charged with standard battery charger plugged into a wall. The generator can charge the batteries as well. This setup is capable of running 3 events at the same time. With one event you can have 32 Players playing at the same time.
Business comes with professional built website by Mainstreet Host and email. Hosting is paid till next March, then hosting fee is $400/year. $1,000 will buy the website outright from Mainstreet Host. You get 30 minutes of tech support a month. I paid $6400. Website is free.
iPad Air with Square Register system for credit card processing. (No Sim card)
Laser Tag Guns Battlefield Sports brand used. All is factory refurbished and updated to firmware